ZOO & Kosciuszko Mound

To book a trip / transfer, an advance payment of 30% must be made. The rest is payable in cash when picking up passengers.


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Nº of People
Price / Per Person
160 PLN
120 PLN
100 PLN
80 PLN


Nº of People
Price / Per Person
38 EUR
28.5 EUR
23.75 EUR
19 EUR

Tour information

Duration: roundtrip from Kraków ~ 4h

First, we will take you to the ZOO and then to the Kościuszko Mound.

Kraków ZOO
Situated in a forest on the outskirts of Krakow, the Zoo was established in 1929. It is home to over 1500 animals and about 260 species. Today it is much loved by families with young children, it is compact and can be enjoyed in two hours, perfect for little ones! And let’s face it, everyone loves a Meerkat!

Guests usually spend two hours in the Zoo and the journey from the center of Krakow takes around 20 minutes each way

Many of our guests combine this with a visit to Krakow Outlet Mall for some bargain hunting or the nearby Kościuszko Mound

Kościuszko Mound
Located on the outskirts of Krakow, the Mound offers views across the city and, on a clear day, all the way to the mountains of Zakopane! It was erected in commemoration of the Polish national leader Tadeusz Kościuszko. A winding path leads to the top, approximately 326 meters (1,070 ft) above sea level. It also serves as a War Memorial to those who perished in the defense of Krakow over the years, it is built on one of the forts that guarded the city and the small museum offers a fascinating insight into some of the military history of the late 1800s and early 1900s The Mound and Museum can usually be enjoyed in one hour

Great half-day trip for everybody!

Opening hours: 9:00am – until nightfall (Kościuszko Mound)

Additional Costs

Entrance to the ZOO:

1 November – 31 March:
28 PLN – Normal / per person
23 PLN – Reduced / per person
90 PLN – Family ticket (2+2)

1 April – 31 October:
38 PLN – Normal / per person
32 PLN – Reduced / per person
125 PLN – Family ticket (2+2)

Entrance to the Kościuszko Mound:
20 PLN – Normal
15 PLN – Reduced
40 PLN – Family ticket (2+2)

Select your currency
PLNPolish złoty
EUR Euro